3 Powerful Healing Sessions for Your Spiritual Growth

experience deep spiritual healing, connection, and transformation.

Imagine for a moment what it would do for you to experience a 60-minute session that’s entirely dedicated to your spiritual healing, transformation, and growth. 

Imagine having the space to speak honestly about your thoughts and feelings, and what it would do for you to receive support around everything you share. 

Imagine getting clear about your soul-aligned aspirations, and what it would do for you to receive practical action steps to help you to manifest your desires

Imagine strengthening your ability to hear and follow your intuition, and what it would do for you to expand your spiritual awareness so your connection with God/The Universe became stronger as well. 

What would change for you if you were able to do these things?

How would you feel if you were able to experience these things?

spiritual life coach spiritual black women holistic life coach begin your spiritual journey

Hey there! I’m Alexandria K - Certified Holistic Life Coach, Certified Breathwork + Meditation Teacher, and Intuitive Healer.

I want you to know that everything you imagined is possible for you. 

When you’re clear about your aspirations, connected to your intuition, and willing to take intentional action, you become capable of bringing anything you desire to life

From spiritual healing to creating something new to attracting healthy relationships to discovering your spiritual gifts, you can manifest anything in your life with the right intentions, actions, and support.

My private sessions are your dedicated space to experience everything you imagined a few moments ago. They are your sacred time to connect with yourself and God/The Universe in a way that you perhaps never have. 

My intention for every session is to help you maximize your spiritual potential so that your goals don’t just stay in your imagination.

I’m all about helping you get clear about what you truly desire, connecting those desires with God’s/The Universe’s vision, and then supporting you through the manifestation process. 

Here are 3 private healing sessions with me that you can BOOK TODAY that are dedicated to your spiritual awareness, connection, and growth. 

Intuitive Soul Coaching

An Intuitive Soul Coaching Session offers space for you to safely and consciously access your next level of spiritual awareness, healing, and capacity. 

During a 60-minute session or over a 3/6 month journey, you’ll be intuitively guided + supported as you explore the energetics of the current season of your life, strengthen your self-connection, get clear about your desires/goals, and take soul-aligned actions to achieve them.

Intuitive Soul Coaching is the sacred container for you to realize the magnitude of your spiritual potential and maximize your ability to manifest what your Soul truly desires.

Individual Session Investment: $111

Payment Plan Available

Quantum Soul Session

In this powerful 90-minute session, we’ll create a sacred container for you to experience direct communication with the Quantum realms, your spirit guides, ancestors, and God/The Universe.

You’ll receive channeled messages that are best for your current energy and desires, you’ll experience greater connection with your Soul and intuition, you’ll feel and move energy within your energetic body/field, and experience a heightened awareness of the metaphysical nature of all things.

These private sessions are incredibly potent and healing on many levels. 

Individual Session Investment: $222

Payment Plan Available

Conscious Breathwork + Meditation

Sink into your body and into the present moment in these healing 90-minute sessions.

Your unique breathwork + meditation experience will be accompanied by intuitive channeling, soul coaching, and support to ensure the most potent mind-body-soul experience for your current energy and desires.

We’ll be connecting with the body, somatics, your Soul, and God/The Universe to create an experience that will initiate healing on a holistic level.

Individual Session Investment: $133

Payment Plan Available

Why Work With Me

𓆃 Private containers are devoted to you. When we enter into sacred sessions together, we are devoting our time to your healing, consciousness, goals, and growth. These containers are your sacred space to honor + experience yourself in deeply empowering ways - perhaps in ways that you’ve never seen or experienced yourself before. These containers are an amazing opportunity to connect with yourself and your truest energy with the support of a trained professional. 

𓆃 I prioritize soul-alignment over potential profit. I only enter into sacred containers with clients if our energies feel deeply connected. This means that my priority is not obtaining as many clients as I can for the sake of money or material gain, but rather my priority with every private container is to be of service to the will of God/The Universe, your ancestral lineage, and your soul’s journey. My services are grounded in authenticity and integrity. 

𓆃 Private containers with me are where practical advice meets spiritual advice. I am a born intuitive channeler + seer, and I am also a professionally trained Certified Holistic Life Coach and Certified Breathwork + Meditation Teacher. My approach with clients is balanced. We do not focus primarily on the spiritual or on the earthly, but rather we partner up to merge the two realities in the ways best for the client’s expansion of consciousness + growth. 

𓆃 Holding space for vulnerable emotions is one of my specialties. Many of my clients have worked through intense emotions within our private containers; childhood trauma, pain from past relationships, self-doubt + insecurity, anxiety, and more. Along my personal journey, I’ve learned how to hold my own intense emotions with more grace + compassion. I’ve learned how to be with depression + anxiety yet still remain powerfully rooted in my intuition, my soul purpose, and my soul power. I share these learnings in my private containers so my clients, too, can learn how to hold their vulnerable emotions in a more loving + conscious way. 

𓆃 I believe that learning is life-long. For me, there is no destination in life where I will no longer be a student. I continuously dedicate myself to expanding my knowledge through professional training, research, practice, and by witnessing the paths of others through client work + my personal relationships. This means there are no hierarchies or pedestals in my private containers. The purpose of working with me is to connect you with yourself so you may access your inner guide, not for you to perceive me as a guru or enlightened expert. This grounds my services in sacred partnership + integrity. 

Client Testimonials

Client Testimonials

Client Testimonials

Client Testimonials Client Testimonials Client Testimonials

  • “Alexandria is an amazing empath and medium. She has opened the doors for me to walk into my inner child healing in a way that is so deep yet comfortable and calming. She’s able to connect deeply with Spirit and communicate openly with me. She’s very gentle yet straightforward in her approach to relaying the messages that you need to know. Her gifts are unbelievable, and I am committed to working with her long term on my healing journey.”

    Intuitive Soul Coaching Client

  • “My session with Alexandria left me feeling more hopeful and confident about my present circumstances and my future - and I really needed to feel hopeful again. Alexandria is professional, relatable, gentle, and offers very creative ways to reframe a mindset or visualize a concept. Her recommendations for meditation are adaptable, and she allows space for conversation. That's what a session with Alexandria really feels like - a conversation. I wasn't just impressed by the messages she relayed, I was comforted and energized, and felt motivated to move in a certain direction. I would book a session with her again. It's so worth the insight and guidance.”

    Quantum Soul Session Client

  • “Thank you so much, Alexandria, for my session today. You’re a gentle and loving soul, and that’s what came through to me in our session. I felt completely comfortable and safe discussing everything and anything that came up with you. It feels like you’ve been coaching people for a long time. You have a beautiful and Divine gift which I feel blessed to have received. You are relatable and kind. You helped me see things a bit more clearly that I have not been able to understand. More importantly you gave me hope and a way forward, a way to expand my spirituality, and my connection to my higher self. Thank you again and I will definitely reach back out to you in the future.”

    Quantum Soul Session Client

  • "Alexandria is my go-to reader, coach, and guide. She sees all dimensions so clearly and beautifully. Plus, she articulates each message with love and kindness, despite the content. Her experiences and depth of knowledge is apparent, and her skills are such a gift to all of us."

    Intuitive Soul Coaching + Quantum Soul Session Client

Everything You Desire is Possible

Let’s Start Bringing Your Desires to Life Today

Book a FREE 45-Minute Soul Discovery Call with me!

During this Discovery Call, we’ll connect with each other + see if we’re aligned, discuss your goals, and discover which healing session would best help you achieve them.

Does This Sound Like You?

✓ you’re ready to access deeper inner wisdom and higher consciousness

✓ you’re ready to discover that the answers + guidance that you seek already exist within you

✓ you’re ready to feel empowered to pursue your soul-aligned desires + feel confident being your authentic self

✓ you want to be professionally supported in reaching new levels of spiritual growth, clarity, healing, and/or transformation

✓ you’re ready to identify and heal the inner blocks (self-beliefs, limiting thought patterns, self-sabotage, etc.) that are holding you back from realizing your highest spiritual potential

✓ you’re curious about your soul history (past lives), soul purpose, and spiritual gifts and are ready to learn more with the help of your spirit guides

✓ you’re ready to experience strong mind-body-soul connection + healing through practices like breathwork and/or energy work

✓ you’re ready to do the work to reach your next level of spiritual consciousness

Start Manifesting Your Desires Today

Book a FREE 45-Minute Soul Discovery Call with me!

During this Discovery Call, we’ll connect with each other + see if we’re aligned, discuss your goals, and discover which healing session would best help you achieve them.


  • What is a Discovery Call? A Discovery Call is a complementary Zoom meeting that allows us to get to know each other a bit + see if we’re a good fit to work together. During the call, we’ll discuss your goals and decide what service is most in alignment with what you desire. These calls are not free coaching sessions, they’re an opportunity for us to connect with each other prior to an actual session.

  • What can I expect in sessions with you? All private sessions are conducted virtually over Zoom. Once your session is booked, you’ll receive all of the details for the session including invoices and preparation materials via email. At the date + time of our session, you’ll choose the focus of our session and we’ll intuitively move forward from there.

  • What are the available payment plans? Each session has a half-payment plan available, so you can split the payment into 2 invoices. If an alternative payment plan is necessary, that can be discussed as well.

  • How can I work with you long-term? Intuitive Soul Coaching and Conscious Breathwork + Meditation Sessions can be experienced weekly in 3/6 month containers. Pricing for these containers can be viewed here. If you’re interested in working together long-term, we can discuss options during our Discovery Call.

  • What are your qualifications? I am a Certified Holistic Life Coach (Holistic Coach Institute, 2022) and a Breathwork + Meditation Teacher (Loka Yoga School, 2023). I am also a born intuitive channeler with years of experience in helping clients connect with the spirit realms.

  • What are your client success stories? All of my clients have experienced powerful transformations and/or awakenings in our sessions together. Some client testimonials can be read above, and more can be read here.