5 Things I Love About Spiritual Coaching

I love coaching. 

Every client session is a sacred experience for me. 

I love being able to hold space for passionate, heart-centered individuals to discover their own answers, unearth their own insights, and initiate their own transformations. 

Throughout my coaching career, I’ve witnessed so many breakthroughs, healings, reconnections, consciousness shifts, intuitive downloads, and so much more arise during sessions. 

I truly believe that experiencing a coaching session can be a powerful catalyst for major change in someone’s life - and I’ve witnessed this powerful potential both as a coach and as a client. 

With coaching being such a powerful force on its own, it’s no surprise that coaching with a spiritual focus can be 10x more potent and transformational.

As an Intuitive Spiritual Coach, I believe that one’s inner world helps create their external world. If we want to create intentional and lasting change in our external realities, we must first get clear about what’s occurring internally that’s holding us back from experiencing the life that we truly desire. 

This is where we get into the realm of energetics, intentions, intuition, and manifestation ✨

This is the space that I love so much. 

In this blog post, I’m going to share 5 things I love about spiritual coaching with you and how you can experience your own powerful sessions!


In this blog, we’ll cover:

  • What is Spiritual Coaching?

  • 5 Things I Love About Spiritual Coaching

    • We get to the root

    • We prioritize energetics and intuition

    • We partner with divine consultants

    • We see the whole picture

    • We live with higher awareness and intention

  • How You Can Start Your Spiritual Coaching Journey Today


What is Spiritual Coaching?

Spiritual coaching is the sacred partnership where coach and client work together to co-create greater insights and stronger intuitive connection for the client, while manifesting the personal goals of the client. 

In order to support the client in bringing their desires into fruition, coach and client will explore the spiritual nature of the desires so that the client is clear about the energetics behind the goals. 

Understanding the energetics and spiritual connections that are present in the client’s life can lead to a greater sense of clarity for the client’s deeper “why” and help the client see the most soul-aligned path to follow.

Spiritual coaching is about empowering the client to feel confident in their own intuitive knowing, in following their unique path, and trusting in the higher powers that they feel connected with so that they can live the life they truly desire to live.


5 Things I Love About Spiritual Coaching

1. We get to the root.

One of my favorite phrases that perfectly describes a spiritual coaching session is “rio abajo rio” which translates to “the river beneath the river” (Women Who Run with the Wolves, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes).

Spiritual coaching dives deep beyond the surface of the client’s experience in order to unearth, reveal, and uproot what’s at the foundation. It digs into the soil of the client’s inner world to pull up all that is hidden, not easily seen, or readily accessible in the client’s consciousness. 

This uprooting can be of emotions, memories, passions, creations, trauma, desires, unmet needs, beliefs, conditioning - the possibilities of what may surface for a client are endless.

But spiritual coaching is designed to support the client in exploring the hidden aspects of themselves, like a guide leading one through a dark tunnel with a lantern. 

Spiritual coaching sessions are all about going beyond the surface and into the depths - because that’s where the true transformation can happen.

5 reasons to hire a spiritual coach the benefits of spiritual coaching spiritual coaching business

2. We prioritize energetics and intuition. 

Whereas traditional coaching may prioritize the client’s mindset or logic, spiritual coaching prioritizes the client’s energy and intuitive connection. 

There is no separation of mind and soul, but there’s rather an understanding that much of what occurs in the mind first begins as emotional or spiritual. With this understanding, spiritual coaching supports the client in exploring the energetics that may be behind their decisions, patterns, desires, and lifestyles so that these energetics may be shifted however the client feels is necessary.

Sometimes this means clearing. Sometimes this means purging. Sometimes this means healing. 

For example, a client may really want a job promotion. In a spiritual coaching session, the client will be guided to explore the origin and drive behind that desire with powerful questions focused on the client’s intuition and higher spiritual awareness (a.k.a the whole picture. which we’ll cover in a minute). 

During this exploration, a client may discover that they don’t really want a job promotion - at least, not just the job promotion. They may discover that the energetics driving the desire for the promotion were feeling unseen and unappreciated throughout their lives. The client may then be guided to explore where they feel this sensation of being unseen in their body. 

In a spiritual coaching session, the client would then be provided with resources and guidance to begin clearing or healing this energy. With this energetic block of feeling unseen being cleared, the client may discover that what they truly desire isn’t the job promotion at all, but to find more nourishing and supportive relationships.

This is how spiritual coaching prioritizes energetics. We’re not only getting to the “rio abajo rio” - we’re also clearing and healing any blocks we may find that are hindering the flow.


3. We partner with divine consultants. 

In spiritual coaching sessions, it is never just coach and client. 

It’s coach, client, client’s ancestors, client’s spirit guides, and The Great Creator coming together for the highest good of the client.

As a born intuitive medium, I believe connecting with a client’s spirit team during sessions is integral for the client in strengthening their intuitive connection and expanding their awareness. Most often, a client’s spirit team is eager to help them in achieving their goals and they’re able to provide insight that a client may not be able to access on their own. 

I’ve witnessed some incredibly beautiful communication between clients and their ancestors - some sessions have nearly brought me to tears. 

This is the beauty of spiritual coaching - it’s not just the coach and client partnering, it’s that client’s entire spiritual entourage.


Ready to connect with your spirit team? With a Quantum Soul Reading, you can receive directly channeled guidance on any topic of your choice delivered straight to your email.

Receive directly channeled messages from your higher self, spirit guides, and ancestors on any topic of your choice.

*Your reading will be delivered via email 1-3 days after ordering.


4. We see the whole picture.

As spiritual coaching is all about exploring the “rio abajo rio” and getting clear about the energetics of all things, there’s an inherent widening of the client’s perspective as they move towards the manifestation of their goals.

Perspectives that may have once been narrow begin to expand as the client gains greater understanding of how their inner world is creating their external world, how all of their experiences are interconnected, and the influence the higher power they believe in has on their life. 

A deeper understanding of the holistic (whole) nature of their being begins to take form and integrate within their consciousness. 

This deeper understanding supports the client in viewing their life with a bird’s eye view, seeing the unfolding of their path from a higher perspective.

Though the client may not always understand how something is going to go, they at least have the powerful inner knowing that many things in their life - if they’re living with intention - are occurring with purpose.


5. We live with higher awareness and intention. 

During a spiritual coaching journey, clients have the opportunity to shift out of unconscious living into intentional, conscious, and intuitive living. 

With this shift, a client no longer lives on auto-pilot. No more allowing their important decisions and lifestyles to be determined by unconscious beliefs, conditioning, insecurities, reactionary emotions, ego, or their past. 

The client begins to live with more mindfulness, emotional regulation, spiritual connection, and consciousness. 

This enables the client’s quality of life to radically transform from undesired to the life the client truly wants to be living.

5 things I love about spiritual coaching benefits of life coaching benefits of spiritual coaching spiritual awakening spiritual healing

You Can Experience All of This and More in Your Spiritual Coaching Journey

If all of this feels deeply resonant with you and you’re ready to discover what spiritual coaching can do for you, let’s connect!

Prior to any coaching sessions, coaches and clients will have what’s known as a Discovery or Connection call to connect with one another, discuss client goals, and see whether the partnership is a good fit. 

These calls are entirely free. The only investment you’re making is your time and the seriousness of your desire to start experiencing powerful change.

You can book a FREE 45-minute Soul Discovery Call with me today to get a glimpse of what spiritual coaching can do for you!


I’m Alexandria, Multi-Certified Intuitive Spiritual Coach

I hope this blog post has given you a greater understanding of, and perhaps also a greater appreciation for, the value of spiritual coaching.

Being a Spiritual Coach is truly one of the greatest parts of my life and business, and I’m so grateful to share just a few of the powerful transformations this work can initiate in your life.

With gratitude,


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