Enter Your Inner Sanctuary
unlock new levels of inner peace, self-love, and spiritual awareness Through Daily Meditation

Meditation is a portal to greater self-connection.

Through meditation, you can access your deepest inner wisdom, intuition, self-love, and power.
You can release limiting self-beliefs, heal inner blockages, reconnect with your authentic self, and strengthen your spiritual practice.
Making meditation a part of your routine helps you invite more ease, presence, consciousness, connection, and compassion into your daily life.
With daily meditation, you can dive deep into your inner depths to ascend to a higher state of self-awareness.
With daily meditation, you can experience love for yourself that’s rooted deeply in gratitude for who you are, how far you’ve come, and how far you can go.
With daily meditation, you can get clear about what you truly want so you can manifest your desires into your life with more ease.
Meditation is the portal to experiencing yourself and your life in an entirely new way.
Are you ready to access a new level of wellbeing?

Whether you’re just beginning your spiritual journey or have been devoted to your spiritual practice for a while, creating time in your day to devote to meditation can be challenging.
From having a packed to-do list to the anxiety of not being able to ‘clear your mind’, there are so many reasons why it can feel hard to experience the full benefits that you know meditation can offer you.
You’re ready to feel an unwavering sense of inner peace.
You’re ready to strengthen your intuition.
You’re ready to just relax amidst all of the stressors of your daily life.
You’re ready to make meditation an integral part of your routine.
Uncertainty about how to create the time doesn’t have to hold you back.
Anxiety about “not doing it right” doesn’t have to hold you back.
You can start experiencing the full benefits of daily meditation today with the support of Inner Sanctuary

Inner Sanctuary is a 7-Day Meditation Journey to help you Unlock Your Next Level of Inner Peace, Self-Love, and Spiritual Awareness.
Over 7 days, you’ll be guided through a daily meditation practice, affirmations, and journal prompts to help you create intentional time in your day for the relaxation and self-connection you’ve been desiring.
These meditations are practical and easy-to-follow, making them ideal for beginner and experienced meditators alike.
With emphasis on body-mind-soul connection, each daily practice within Inner Sanctuary helps you to invite more ease, presence, and self-love into your life.
Are you ready to deepen your relationship with yourself?

hey! I’m Alexandria K - Certified Holistic life Coach, Certified Breathwork + Meditation Teacher, and Intuitive Healer.
and meditation changed my life..
Meditation allowed me to connect with myself in ways I never imagined.
My daily practice has helped me experience myself, my emotions, and my thoughts with more compassion, intuition, and ease.
Emotions that once felt overwhelming are now experienced with grace. Thoughts that once overpowered me are now witnessed with clarity. Insecurities that once hindered me are now outweighed by self-love.
Meditation completely transformed my awareness of myself, my emotions, and my life as a whole.
Daily Meditation has helped me:
✓ learn how to sit with uncomfortable emotions with more grace + awareness
✓ heal years of dissociation by helping me to return to my body + the present moment
✓ get clear about my emotions so I can express how I’m feeling with more confidence
✓ strengthen my intuition + my connection with The Universe by teaching me how to listen
✓ heal years’ worth of limiting beliefs + insecurities rooted in childhood experiences
✓ learn to treat myself with more compassion, love, and care
✓ feel a sense of inner peace that I know I can always return to through my practice
✓ improve my relationships by helping me cultivate clearer communication, greater respect, and calmness in partnership
✓ strengthen my spiritual gifts by teaching me how to listen to + follow my intuition
and so. much. more.
From the ups and downs of starting my own daily practice over a decade ago to witnessing the challenges my private clients have had with meditation, I know that creating the intentional time to experience the benefits of meditation can seem out-of-reach.
This is why I created Inner Sanctuary - so you can devote yourself to a daily meditation practice that’s focused on helping you access the full potential meditation has to offer you.
with inner sanctuary, you receive..
✓ 7 Guided Meditations to help you explore the depths of your body, mind, and soul
✓ 7 Guided Affirmation Practices to realign your subconscious thought patterns with self-love + spiritual connection
✓ Daily journal prompts to evoke new insights + help you access new levels of awareness
✓ Lots of bonus material + content to further help you create new self-care routines aligned with self-love
Day 1: Presence in Your Body
Your body is the sacred vessel that allows you to experience life. It is through your body that you’re able to experience sensations, enjoy your favorite foods, hug your loved ones, try new things, experience pleasure, and so much more. It’s because of the wonderous workings of your body that you’re able to live out your spiritual journey.
In this meditation and affirmation practice, you’ll drop deeper into your body to feel + express gratitude for the vessel that allows you to experience life + all of the pleasures that come with it.
Day 2: Awareness of Your Mind
On average, humans experience more than 6,000 thoughts each day. This consistent internal dialogue can influence your mood, your perspective of yourself + your life, and your decisions if there is little-to-no intentional awareness of these thoughts.
In this meditation and affirmation practice, you’ll bring conscious awareness to your mind to observe its’ patterns, behavior, and to practice observing your thoughts with more clarity + compassion.
Day 3: Love in Your Heart
Your heart space is the sacred center through which you experience, express, and receive love. It can be considered a portal for Divine love, powerful healing, and spiritual transformation. Yet, it can be very easy for blocks to form in this space due to painful experiences, insecurities, feelings of rejection, and shame.
In this meditation and affirmation practice, you’ll explore + send love to your heart space to inspire healing, an openness to love in all forms, and expansions in your heart consciousness.
Day 4: Exploration in This Moment
Expanding your awareness of the present moment can help you see your current emotional/mental/spiritual state with more clarity, and fully experience what’s happening in your inner world with more compassion. Being fully present in the Now moment is how you can begin accessing greater levels of intuition, spiritual connection, and peace.
In this meditation and affirmation practice, you’ll bring your conscious awareness to the present moment for a greater sense of peace, grounding, and self-connection.
Day 5: Connection in Your Soul
Through bringing awareness to the present moment, you can begin to discover the powerful connection between your Soul and The Universe. What you truly need to begin hearing your intuition with more ease is creating stillness to listen. This means limiting distractions to truly be with yourself + connect with your Soul.
In this meditation and affirmation practice, you’ll powerfully connect with your Soul + see what intuitive wisdom can come through for you when you create the intentional time to listen.
Day 6: Activation of Your Light
Through connecting with your Soul, your unique soul gifts, medicine, and wisdom can begin to shine within you + through you. The way to begin expanding your spiritual gifts is through consistently connecting with your Soul. This is how you can discover what your Soul truly values + how you are meant to be of service to others.
In this meditation and affirmation practice, you’ll connect with your Soul to identify your soul gifts, explore your soul path, and the influence of The Universe in your life.
Day 7: Power of the Divine
You are a spiritual being having a human experience. It can be so easy to forget this amidst everyday distractions, obligations, and stressors. Yet, it’s integral that you remain connected to the true Divinity of who you are as you experience this Earthly life. Remaining connected to your Divinity is how you remain connected to the bigger plan behind all things.
In this meditation and affirmation practice, you’ll connect deeper with the Divine realms + remember the true divinity of who you are.
does this sound like you?
✓ you’re ready to begin a meditation practice + want the guidance of a Meditation Teacher
✓ you’ve tried meditation on your own + just can’t seem to experience the benefits you keep hearing about
✓ you’re an experienced meditator + want to enhance your practice with some extra guidance, affirmations, and journal prompts
✓ you’re ready to experience a stronger body-mind-soul connection
✓ you’re ready to heal limiting beliefs + insecurities by doing the work of acknowledging your pain with more awareness + compassion
✓ you’re ready to spiritually grow + experience deeper self-love
✓ you’re ready to experience all of the amazing benefits meditation has to offer + want a structured place to start
✓ you love the idea of having daily guided meditations + affirmations to start your day with
✓ you want to strengthen your ability to hear + follow your intuition with more confidence
✓ everything about Inner Sanctuary resonates with you + you’re ready to experience it!

access new levels of Inner Peace, Self-Love, and Spiritual Awareness
with Inner Sanctuary!

Inner Sanctuary is your portal to:
✓ A deeper relationship with yourself. Your relationship with yourself is reflected in your relationships with others. The deeper you experience yourself, the more love + compassion you extend to yourself, the more nourishing and pleasurable all of your relationships can be.
✓ An improved mind-body-soul connection. Your mind, body, and soul are in continuous communication, although you may not always be aware of this inner dialogue. Healing + strengthening this connection can lead to improved bodily awareness (your ability to feel fully embodied + conscious of your body’s sensations), improved body/self-image, and intuitive knowing.
✓ An expansion of your cosmic, spiritual awareness. When the mind is quieted + at ease, the soul can be heard with more clarity. Attuning yourself to the messages of your soul can strengthen your connection with your Soul, spirit guides, and The Universe/Divine realms.
✓ A daily sacred self-care ritual + meditation practice. Inner Sanctuary’s daily meditations, journal prompts, and affirmations make a beautiful daily ritual on their own but can be a powerful addition to your current routine + practices. Creating intentional time to be with yourself daily supports your emotional regulation, mental clarity, and spiritual growth.
More benefits of a daily meditation practice:
✓ Feeling more grounded + centered
✓ Greater clarity + focus - specifically in relation to your purpose, life goals, and spirituality
✓ Improved stress management + reduction in anxiety symptoms
✓ A sense of inner peace
✓ Greater spiritual connection - to The Universe + your Higher Self
✓ Emotional healing
✓ Improved communication
✓ Healing of limiting beliefs
✓ Reduction in muscle tension and/or greater relaxation
and more.
Ready to explore what Inner Sanctuary can do for you?

access new levels of Inner Peace, Self-Love, and Spiritual Awareness
with Inner Sanctuary!
◈ How long are the meditations? Each meditation is between 20-30 minutes. This is ideal both for beginners that desire to lengthen their practice and for established practitioners that enjoy longer meditations.
◈ Does Inner Sanctuary have to be completed in order? No. Although the meditations in Inner Sanctuary are designed to be completed in order, you can complete the meditations in any intuitive order that you’d like.
◈ What’s the refund policy for Inner Sanctuary? All Inner Sanctuary Sales are non-refundable as you receive access to the materials immediately upon purchase. If you have any further questions, please contact me at theobsidianlotus@gmail.com.
◈ Will Inner Sanctuary be updated at all? Yes! New materials + resources will continue to be intuitively added to Inner Sanctuary over time.
◈ How can I meditate with you 1:1? You can learn more about how we can work together here!