3 Questions to Help You Start Your Spiritual Journey

3 questions to help you start your spiritual journey how to start your spiritual journey blog

Choosing to start your spiritual journey is a life-changing decision.

From that decision forward, every aspect of your life will be experienced with more clarity, awareness, gratitude, connection, and confidence. The air about you may begin to feel lighter, you may feel more at ease, your inner light may shine brighter than it ever has before. 

All because you made the powerful choice to embark on a spiritual path. 

The 3 questions in this blog post will help you begin walking this new, transformative path with more clarity. By helping you connect to the importance of starting your spiritual journey and helping you get clear about what you want your spirituality to look like, these 3 questions are a powerful initiation into reaching your highest spiritual potential.

So, let’s get started! Here are 3 powerful questions to help you start your spiritual journey.


In this blog, we’ll explore:

𖤓 what your spiritual path is

𖤓 3 powerful questions to help you start your journey

  • your deeper “why”

  • defining your spiritual practice

  • releasing limiting beliefs

𖤓 a simple step-by-step guide to help you continue learning about spirituality + an exclusive offer!


What is Your Spiritual Path?

Your spiritual path is your inward journey of self-exploration, healing, connection, and growth.

Your spiritual journey ultimately guides you to a greater awareness of yourself. By getting to know yourself in a whole new way, through practices like meditation and Yoga for example, your spiritual path begins to powerfully reveal itself and unfold with more clarity.

As you truly start to know yourself - your desires, your pain, your emotions, your thought patterns, your passions - your awareness expands, changes shape, and changes focus. This is how your spiritual path forms and becomes mapped out in your life. The current focus of your awareness determines the experiences, the lessons, and the insights that are present for you at any given moment along your path. 

Your path unfolds as you unfold.

My spiritual path has looked and felt different every year of my life since I chose to start my journey over a decade ago.

At first, a lot of my path was focused on bringing awareness to my poor mental health and reestablishing a sense of inner balance after years of only listening to my mind rather than my heart. Then, it became focused on discovering my true passions and how I wanted to be of service to others. Now, it’s currently focused on nurturing my relationship with my body and learning how to care for myself holistically.

And so many other phases and seasons in between the ones I just mentioned.

Your spiritual path is always going to be a reflection of your current self-explorations and your capacity to go deeper with yourself, which is what creates the highs, lows, turns, and side quests you’ll inevitably experience along the way.

But this is what makes your spiritual path so important - it’s the path that leads to the most healed, authentic, wise, passionate, and powerful version of you.


3 Powerful Questions to Help You Start Your Spiritual Journey

1. What’s Your Deeper “Why” Behind Choosing a Spiritual Path?

In order to do anything purposefully, you must be clear on the deeper “why.” And if there’s one thing you need to be really clear on before doing, it’s starting your spiritual journey. 

As we covered in the previous section, your spiritual path guides you to a greater awareness of yourself. This new level of awareness can uncover a lot - childhood wounds, trauma, insecurities, limiting beliefs, unmet needs, and unhealthy behaviors for example. It can also uncover strong intuition, passions, gratitude, love, and connection. 

The spiritual path is a beautiful navigation of the light and the darkness within you, and helps you have greater awareness of the light and the darkness around you. 

To be fully prepared for what your spiritual path may reveal, you must remain connected to the deeper “why” behind choosing this path.

Maybe you’re tired of your past determining your present, and you’re ready to change your lifestyle. Maybe you’ve felt really disconnected from yourself and others for a long time, and you’re ready to improve all of your relationships. Maybe you’re ready to experience inner peace and the benefits of meditation that you keep hearing about. Maybe you’re done with letting your insecurities hinder your potential and you’re ready to heal.

Really get deep into why you want to embark on this path and what you think the spiritual path will ultimately help you with. 

Remaining rooted in your “why” will help you stay connected to your destination, even when the path gets challenging.


2. What Do You Want Your Spiritual Practice to Look and Feel Like?

There are so many different belief systems, modalities, practices, and routines for you to utilize on your journey. From breathwork to Yoga to witchcraft to Buddhism, there are a variety of different resources you can choose to use on your path to greater self-actualization. 

Getting clear about how exactly you want your practice to look and feel will help you try modalities that are in alignment with that vision. 

If you want a more gentle and quiet practice that feels slow and intentional, maybe you’ll add meditation into your morning or night routine. If you want a more fast-paced, intense, and transformational practice, maybe you’ll add breathwork or somatic shaking. If you want a more healing, feminine, and sensual practice, maybe you’ll create a sacred dance ritual and connect with the Goddesses. If you want a more nature-based and empowering practice, maybe you’ll study herbalism or Paganism. 

Your spiritual practice is going to be unique to what resonates with you and what your current goals are. As we’ve covered, your path unfolds as you unfold. This means that your daily practice will change over time as well, perhaps every day or every week.

Some mornings my practice looks like a 30-minute meditation and breathwork session and other mornings it looks like sensual dance to see what messages my body is holding. 

Think about what you want your daily practice to look and feel like for you, and begin researching modalities that align with that vision.


3. What Needs to Be Acknowledged and/or Released Before You Start Your Journey?

What beliefs do you have about spirituality that may hold you back from reaching your full potential?

What beliefs do you have about yourself that may hold you back from reaching your full potential?

Unconscious beliefs can prevent you from maximizing the full potential of many things. How many times have you self-sabotaged an opportunity without clear reason why? How many times have you rejected support or love because you didn’t feel worthy of it? How often does your mind tell you that what you want isn’t really possible?

These experiences have been controlled by your subconscious beliefs about yourself, your worth, and your potential. Your spiritual path can also be hindered by these very beliefs if awareness isn’t brought to them. 

A lot of your subconscious limiting beliefs prefer working in the shadows - they don’t like being in the forefront of your consciousness and they definitely don’t like you reflecting on where they came from and what purpose they really serve. When you take the time to do this, their power over you begins to shrink because you’re shining your bright inner light of awareness on them. 

Getting clear about any beliefs that may prevent you from reaching your spiritual potential, like ones rooted in insecurity or religious trauma for example, helps you connect with your deeper “why” in a more significant way. 

Your spiritual path is no longer just about starting a meditation practice or learning more about Tarot - it’s now about healing all those negative beliefs that you’re aware have been holding you back in so many ways for years.

You know the spiritual path is for you.

And in acknowledging these beliefs, your journey has already begun.



Are You Feeling the Call to Know Yourself in a Whole New Way?

Now that you’ve explored these 3 powerful questions to help you start your journey with more clarity, here’s a simple step-by-step guide to further support you.

Intro to Spirituality is a self-paced mini program that makes starting your spiritual journey simple.

It’s a gentle, guiding hand into the depths of your inner world, helping expand your awareness of what the spiritual path is, how to experience spiritual healing, how to receive guidance from The Universe, how to consciously manifest, and more.

With easy-to-follow videos, worksheets, and bonus material, Intro to Spirituality helps you feel more knowledgeable and confident walking your spiritual path in 4 weeks or less.


𓂀 Exclusive Offer for You! 𓂀

Since you’ve explored these 3 powerful questions and are ready to take the next steps on your path, enjoy this exclusive 15% off of Intro to Spirituality.

Use code INTRO15 at checkout to get the guide for just $22 when you choose one-time purchase.



I hope this blog post has helped you feel more confident as you choose to embark on the powerfully transformative journey that is your spiritual path.

With love,

Alexandria K | Multi-Certified Intuitive Guide


Meet the Author

Hey! I’m Alexandria - Certified Holistic Life Coach, Breathwork + Meditation Teacher, and Intuitive Healer.

My passion is facilitating spaces for you to heal, grow, and align with your highest potential. Through Intuitive Soul Coaching, Conscious Breathwork + Meditation, and Quantum Sessions, I help clients just like you to dive into their inner depths so they can ascend higher.

If this work feels resonant with you and you’d like to learn more about how we can work together, book a complimentary 30-minute consultation today.


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