3 Ways to Connect with Your Higher Self

The most common desire I hear from my clients is to connect with their Higher Self. 

They’re ready to strengthen their intuition, see themselves + life from a higher perspective, and expand their consciousness to receive more information and energy. So, we get to work. We center our coaching sessions on tuning into that intuitive voice within them, heeding its guidance, and witnessing the profound transformations that are available when they get really connected with themselves. 

Through my personal spiritual journey, and through witnessing the journeys of my clients, I’ve seen the power of what’s possible when you tap into that Higher Self that’s present for you. (Read some client experiences here)

When you connect with your Higher Self, you can experience:

  • Deep spiritual, emotional, and mental healing

  • A stronger intuitive voice that guides you along our path

  • An expansion of energetic awareness, opening up your spiritual gifts

  • Beautiful connections with your spirit guides + ancestors

  • A more optimistic perspective on yourself + life

  • A more loving, compassionate relationship with yourself

and so much more

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What is Your Higher Self?

Your Higher Self is essentially your Soul Self.

Your Soul Self is the most authentic version of you, the one that’s connected to cosmic wisdom, the one that always understands and knows, the one that’s in tune with energies + knows how to navigate them, the one that is determined to help you grow in this lifetime. 

When you reconnect with your Soul Self, you are reconnecting with a reality (the true reality) where all things are possible.

Here are 3 ways that you can begin to connect with your Higher Self:

✧ Practice listening to your intuition.

You have an intuitive voice within you. It’s the voice that whispers to you when an environment doesn’t feel right, when a relationship doesn’t feel good, when something that’s being presented as an opportunity actually feels misaligned with what you truly want. 

This is the voice of your Soul Self. 

The more you practice following the guidance of this inner voice, the more you attune your ears to hear its frequency. 

The more you listen to it, the more it will speak to you. 

✧ Slow down + tune in. 

Many of us feel so disconnected from our Higher Selves because we are not intentionally spending time with ourselves.

It can be easy to neglect this time with Self due to the obligations + routines of our daily lives, but I always remind my clients of the importance of even 5 minutes. 

5 minutes of meditation can help you return to your body and tune into how you genuinely feel.

5 minutes of self-massage can help you relax and feel more present with yourself.

10 minutes of reading a book you enjoy can spark more contentment and peace within your day. 

Taking intentional time during your day to be with yourself supports you in strengthening that inner ear for your intuition, in creating daily loving rituals for yourself, and returning to the present moment. 

✧ Receive a Channeled Energy Session.

Tarot + oracle cards can be a powerful tool in the journey of connecting with your Higher Self.

Set the deck with the intention of receiving messages from your Soul Self, shuffle, and see what comes through for you. 

As an intuitive medium, I’ve assisted many of my clients in receiving the messages that their Higher Self and their spirit guides had for them. 

If you’re ready to connect with your Soul Self and your spirit guides, learn more about the Channeled Energy Sessions here.

I hope these suggestions support you in creating a deep, transformative relationship with yourself.

Much love and peace,



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