3 Soul Questions to Believe in Yourself

“Believe in yourself!”

This phrase is typically ingrained into us in our childhoods; from the media we consume, from the encouraging words of guardians and teachers, from our innate childlike ability to have faith that all that we can imagine is possible. It’s a phrase that fueled our imaginations when we wanted to create a new painting or story, when we studied diligently for an upcoming test or project, when we would animatedly express to all who would listen what we wanted to be when we grew up. 

We believed in our superpower to create anything and everything that we wanted. There was no room for limited thinking in our wondrous, innocent perspectives. 

Then, somewhere in the ebb and flows of childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood, something detrimental happens in our psyches. Our unlimited ideals about ourselves and the world begin to narrow down, the power of our imaginations begins to wane, our eye for possibilities begins to lose its sight. 

And we begin to doubt, we begin to worry, we begin to self-sabotage, we begin to lose our faith. 

There are a multitude of causes for this shift in the psyche - ranging from something as seemingly mundane as a guardian figure advising us to be “more realistic” to significant experiences that helped cultivate our self-esteem. As a coach, I’ve waded through these psychic waters with my clients, uncovering memories, hurtful words, and painfully profound life events that led them to the island of doubt, limiting beliefs, and self-degradation. 

Once the roots of our limited thinking are identified, we can then begin the powerful process of acknowledging the wounds, placing healing medicine into them, and transforming them. 

How Your Beliefs Create Your Reality

“You create your own reality.”

This statement is likely one you’ve heard before, with concepts like the Law of Attraction and manifestation becoming more mainstream, this phrase has permeated the collective consciousness in a way that’s inspiring thousands to become more conscious about the lives they want to live. And one of the most, if not the most, integral component to these concepts is belief.

In order to create the life of your dreams, you must have faith that it’s possible. You must have faith in your ability to accomplish your goals. You must have faith that all is working out for your Highest Good. 

You must believe.

You’re always one decision away from creating your ideal reality - whether it be the decision to go for a walk in the mornings, to move to that city that’s always called to you, or to take a chance on a new relationship. 

Your beliefs are the foundation for your motivation and drive to make these life-changing decisions. 

You believe that you’re worthy of feeling comfortable in your body, so you take those morning walks to feel energized and refreshed. You believe you’re capable of making the move to that city and starting anew. You believe you deserve to be loved and cherished so you enter that new relationship.

You believed, so you did.

And the more worthy, capable, amazing, qualified, and powerful you believe yourself to be, the more you can create the life of your dreams.

⇣ So let’s identify the current beliefs that may be holding you back ⇣


*Life Mastery Planner - A 12 Month Journey to Crush Your Goals, Increase Productivity, Passion, Success & Happiness - Weekly & Monthly Life Planner, Habit-Tracker, Gratitude Journal & Organizer

Grab your favorite journal and consider the following questions:

1 - What are your core beliefs about yourself, others, and life?

Really take a moment to consider how you perceive yourself. Consider the narratives or internal stories that continue to play over and over in your mind. 

How do these stories and memories make you feel? 

What beliefs about yourself and others are formed from these stories?

2 - How do your self-beliefs influence your reality?

Are your beliefs about yourself cultivating the reality you’d like to experience? Or are they hindering it?

Envision your ideal reality - the reality that is fulfilling, peaceful, and expansive for you. Envision how you’d like to feel about yourself, your work, your relationships, your environment. 

How do your beliefs further or hinder that ideal reality?

3 - What beliefs need to shift in order to achieve your ideal reality?

What perspectives about yourself must be released in order to truly believe in yourself? Our beliefs, more often than not, are the foundation of our most significant life decisions. 

What self-beliefs would help you make decisions that are in alignment with your Higher Self? (Learn more about your Higher Self here.)

Allow these questions to guide you into your internal waters and uncover what exists in the depths. 

You deserve to live in a reality where your beliefs fuel your desires, remind you that all that you can imagine is possible for you, and encourage you to create the life you truly want.


⇣ Which is why I created a guidebook to support you in further exploring and redefining your self-beliefs ⇣

You are More Than Capable

The More Than Capable mini guide is a powerful resource for you to continue identifying the roots of your limiting beliefs and realign with your authentic self, a.k.a the Soul Self that is confident, has faith, and trusts your intuition.

This guide is designed to encourage, empower, and support you as you get clear about the beliefs that are hindering your ideal reality and create more aligned, positive ones.

In this guide, you receive

  • powerful questions to inspire introspection + insights

  • journal prompts to support the discovery of why you believe what you believe about yourself

  • a daily self-gratitude worksheet to remind yourself of all the amazing qualities you have

  • journal prompts to support the creation of more positive, soul aligned beliefs

  • a mind/body/soul worksheet to create practices + rituals that will encourage and empower you along your journey

This mini guide is a sacred resource for profound reflection and realignment to the soul self.

Once you’ve received your guide, tag me on IG @iamalexandriak letting me know which journal prompt resonated with you the most. I’d love to connect with you further!

Much love and peace,



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3 Ways to Connect with Your Higher Self