Having Boundaries Can Help You Manifest Your Dream Life

I used to have extremely loose boundaries.

As a people-pleaser and someone who feared rejection (which I definitely still struggle with), it seemed impossible for me to say “no.” Even though I would feel the “no” loud + clear in my body and in my soul, I couldn’t bring myself to actually say it when the time came.

I didn’t want to disappoint anyone, I didn’t trust in my own intuitive knowing, I didn’t want to be ostracized for not following the group, I didn’t trust myself to make my own decisions.

This resulted in years of loose boundaries, years of not prioritizing (and not really knowing how to prioritize) my wellbeing + emotional health.

This past year has taught me the importance and the sacredness of my “no.”

Because everything we say “no” to means we’re saying “yes” to something else, and this awareness requires much intention + consideration.

So, in this week’s YouTube video, I dive into the important of boundaries and how they can help us manifest our dream lives.

Wishing you strong boundaries and peace,

boundaries can help you manifest your dream life alexandria k

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