How Stillness Can Facilitate Powerful Change

What comes to your mind when you think about evolution?

Maybe your initial thoughts involve the Theory of Evolution. Maybe you visualize something changing form or growing. Maybe you connect the meaning of evolution with the process of consistent improvement. 

Take a few moments to be with whatever arises around the concept of evolution, of something evolving

Now consider how evolution has manifested itself in your life.

Reflect on the times where it was clear that something in your reality was evolving; whether it was your daily routine, a mindset, a relationship, your career, your passion - think about just a few of the ways that you’ve experienced evolution over the course of your life. 

As you reflect on this concept, it may become increasingly clear that you’ve always been in a process of evolution whether you were entirely conscious of it in the moment or not. There’s likely always been something deepening, expanding, retracting, releasing, or blooming in your reality - internally or externally. 

I believe that this consistent evolution, this ever-present flux of changes, is the only true constant of life. 

I believe that if something is alive, it is always going through a variety of processes that are supporting its evolution. 

We are always in a space of becoming somehow.

Our lives are always in the process of unfolding right before our eyes.

And over the past few months, I’ve been deepening my presence in stillness, and discovering how stillness can be the predecessor to powerful changes.

When we think about important life changes, we may initially assume the predecessor for them is action.

So many of our societal paradigms revolve around taking action, prioritizing productivity and constant movement above all else. These paradigms become clear when we witness the pursuits of ‘hustle-culture’ on social media and the generally accepted rule that we must work hard to achieve any personal goals.  

There is so much focus on our doing, rather than on our being in order to initiate lasting changes that help us continue to evolve. 

But what would happen if you practiced staying still when you’re feeling the inner call to change? How differently might your desires unfold if you were deeply grounded in your mind-body-soul as you make decisions? How much more ease might you feel if you prioritized the slowness of the gradual progression rather than quick results?

Over the past few months, I’ve experienced some powerful changes in my life - both personally and professionally. A lot has changed.

My branding as a service provider has changed, my personal relationships have been evolving, my awareness in the present moment has been deepening, my spiritual practice is expanding… the Self that I was a few months ago wouldn’t have been able to imagine that I’d be where I am currently.

All I knew before these transitions unfolded was that I felt a desire for change coming from somewhere deep within. 

I could have responded to this desire with immediate action, filling my planners with tasks that would hopefully bring about the change. Yet, I’m so glad I didn’t. 

I sat still.

I allowed the changes to come into my awareness gradually. And because I was so grounded in the present moment and therefore in my true emotions/desires as well, I was able to know what my next steps were at the right time with clarity. 

This is your invitation to allow yourself to be in stillness when you’re feeling ready for change. 

To ground deeply into yourself and your practice so you can act from a space of conscious intention rather than urgency. 

To allow your manifestations to unfold in Right Timing and with Right Action. 

And if you decide to practice this, take notice of how differently your evolution begins to feel in all areas of your life.

A Few Notes on Allowing Stillness to be Initiation

1) Prioritize your spiritual practices; allow them to be the fertile soil where your most authentic desires, emotions, and values can be heard with clarity.

2) Release urgency. There's no rush to accomplish your goals. Anything built quickly can also fall quickly. Practice being fully present in the gradual unfolding, celebrate each step forward no matter how big or small, trust that all will align in Right Timing.

3) Act with intention. Practice only taking action that feels aligned in your body-mind-soul, when the timing feels aligned.

4) Practice releasing comparison. It's challenging to follow your path if your sights are on someone else's. There is no ultimate competition to win, our lives are not a race. Focus your inner + outer gaze on your path. Trust that you will arrive where you're destined to be.

save these notes for later △

Written in love and gratitude,

Alexandria K


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